Effectively manage employee schedules, availability, open shifts and absence requests. Employees interact with schedules, pickup/swap shifts & request absences while managers always maintain real-time visibility and control.
Ease of Use
Take advantage of our scheduling wizard and create your schedules in minutes instead of hours. Choose from a library of templates or import your existing schedules – then easily copy, revise and share across your entire organization.
Start saving more time and money! Our fees are substantially less than other employee scheduling solutions and we do it without sacrificing the functionality you need to keep everyone in the right place at the right time.
Our proprietary Shift GuidanceTM algorithm can anticipate labor demand and optimize schedules with historical ERP/POS data. We can more efficiently schedule employees across multiple locations helping you react to unexpected changes.
Manage unlimited schedules, locations and employees. eSchedule is trusted by the world’s largest eyeglass retailer to manage thousands of locations and keep tens of thousands of employees in the right place at the right time every single day.
Professional Services
The eSchedule Team prides itself on unparalleled customer service with extensive support to help you implement Shift GuidanceTM, load system data and successfully introduce eSchedule across your entire organization.
No more scheduling errors...
"Using eSchedule has removed scheduling errors and made scheduling easier and less time consuming. We have completely eliminated paper schedules using eSchedule."