
What notifications can Managers receive?

A specific set of notifications (automatic emails) are associated with each individual eSchedule. These can be configured so any Manager level user can receive information regarding a given eSchedule. Manager notifications are instantly generated and will sent in response to updates and requested schedule changes. These include when:

  • open shifts are picked up
  • shift trades require approval
  • shifts are declined

NOTE: Notifications regarding time-off requests are automatically generated without configuration. These are only sent to the direct manager of the requesting person. For example, a time-off request from a municipal employee would be sent to their department scheduling manager.

5 Steps

  1. navigate to the eSchedule Tab
  2. use the Filter List drop-down menu to select an eSchedule
  3. click the ‘Show eSchedules’ button
  4. click the ‘Edit’ link under the ‘View 1’ link
  5. assign notification